A calculation of the interaction energy between spin of valence electron and its orbital motion and the screening constant 关于电子自旋与轨道运动相互作用能的计算及屏蔽常数
Using Screening Constant rule explain the ground state Configuration and ionized state of Chromium 用屏蔽常数规律解释铬(Cr)元素的基电子组态和电离态
The resonance ionization cross sections and rate coefficients for electron impact on Li-like Ca have been obtained by using Coulomb-Born exchange approximation and Z-scaled hydrogenic model in which the definition and evaluation of the screening constant were improved. 在库仑坡恩交换近似及被我们改进了屏蔽常数定义和算法的Z标度类氢模型下,计算了类锂钙离子被电子碰撞的共振电离截面和速率系数。
The electric properties of coaxial cable, such as its characteristic impedance, screening attenuation, attenuation constant, and loss of echo wave, are related to the physical mechanism of the skim effective resistance, electromagnetic field, distribution parameter. 同轴电缆的特性阻抗、屏蔽衰减、衰减常数、回波损耗等电气性能,涉及到趋肤效应、电磁场、分布参数等物理机制。
The excited rate coefficients for electron byNa@ have been computed in Z-Scaled hydrogenic approximation, after the method of calculation for screening constant is modified. 本文是在对屏蔽常数的计算作了改正后的Z标度类氢模型下,计算了NaⅠⅩ的电子碰撞激发的速率系数。
The relation between screening constant and temperature has been obtained by the approximate eigenfunctions of electrons in a crystal and Fermi-Dirac statistics. 本文利用晶体的电子近似本征函数和弗密&狄喇克统计得出屏蔽系数和温度的关系。
Z-scaled hydrogenic model and the screening constant in transition calculations of highly charged ions 高荷电离子跃迁计算中的Z标度类氢模型和屏蔽常数
Rule of value assignment of second type of screening constant and its application 第二类屏蔽常数赋值规则及其应用关于模上的赋值